Testosterone and Weight Loss in Men
If you want to lose fat (and not just weight), then you have to understand the role that testosterone plays in this. While it may be more significant to older men, it is still something that 20 something men face as well. Testosterone is responsible for helping you build muscle, makes you insulin sensitive and keeps your metabolic rate at a healthy level.
So the worst case scenario in this is obesity and low testosterone. Being overweight impairs the production of testosterone, and due to this having a lower testosterone level will make it easier for your body to store more fat. This also contributes to insulin resistance, thus making the carbs you eat shuffle to fat tissue. If you want to improve testosterone levels, you have to break the vicious cycle and lose weight. For men who need it, they can also get testosterone therapy from professionals. Learn more about b12 injections indianapolis in, go here.
Diet and Testosterone
The drawback to this is that most fad diets may help you lose weight, but it also dramatically lowers testosterone levels in men as well. While dieting is needed to lose weight, understanding why fad diets lower testosterone will help you understand how to modify this. Find out for further details on hcg weight loss indianapolis right here.
Fat Restriction Lowers Testosterone
The main reason why these "diets" are not good for testosterone levels is because it is usually low-fat and high fiber "diet food". This is especially true if you all the fat you eat is polyunsaturated.
So how do you solve this?
It's simple, really. All you need to do is to incorporate healthy fats in your diet. Furthermore, you also need to preserve muscle mass while you lose weight. The more muscle mass you have, the lesser testosterone you will lose.
You can do this by doing resistance training or weight lifting. This will not only make you stronger but it will make you develop more muscle mass, which helps burn fat as well. However, you should not overdo yourself too because stress can also decrease testosterone production. You should also eat enough (and not too much) protein as well.
Basically, having healthy testosterone levels is important if you want to achieve and maintain a healthy weight as well as a healthy body fat percentage. It is not all about looking thin or having a lower weight. Just because you look skinny does not mean that you are metabolically healthy. The goals is not getting a smaller number on the scale, but getting a healthy balance between body fat and muscle mass. Take a look at this link https://www.britannica.com/topic/dieting for more information.